Monday, April 14, 2008

Ami's Recovery From Purim Package Explosion

Three weeks have now passed since Ami opened the Purim package that exploded in his arms. His recovery continues to be marked with amazing miracles that have the doctors stunned and speechless. With a little help Ami has even taken a few steps. That in itself is a miracle!

In reality Ami's battle to fully recover is still huge. Making it through each day is proving to be a painful and exhausting experience. He has now had extensive skin grafts that are taking well, but the healing and scabbing process causes severe itching. The doctors continue to reduce his medication so that his body will strengthen and to prevent dependency and addiction.

We are told that Ami is still getting only limited sleep because of the waves of pain he is experiencing. His moaning and screams at night are taking a toll on his parents also.

Please pray and intercede for the peace of Y'shua to give rest to Ami's body and comfort to his family as the Great Physician continues to bring healing.

Many of you have asked how we can help Ami and his family in practical ways. There are still expenses for travel and the parents are living away from home while Ami is in the hospital.

The apartment is being cleaned up and repaired, windows replaced,
etc. . . Ami's family are finding themselves in an interesting situation. Because the police believe the perpetrators are a radical Orthodox Jewish sect they are treating the bombing as a criminal act and not as a terrorist act. If they considered it national terrorism, the government would assist with the cost of repairing their home. As things stand, they may not get any assistance.

Thank you for lifting Ami and his family before the Lord.

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