Monday, May 19, 2008

Update on Ami Ortiz

Seven weeks have now passed since the Purim gift package blew up in the arms of fifteen year-old Ami Ortiz. Those of you that have been following the story and praying for Ami know that his initial condition was so severe that they didn't know if he would live. If he did live, they didn't know if they would be able to save some of his limbs, an eye and one of his lungs. He had a huge gash in his throat; his body was burned and full of shrapnel and bolts.

Due to the Lord's healing hand, this week Ami was actually able to walk up the stairs to his family's third floor apartment and spend a couple of days there before returning to the hospital to begin extensive physical therapy and rehabilitation.

The journey home could not have been easy as Ami anticipated returning to the location of that traumatic event. However, he assured his father that he was not afraid.

Postcards from all over the world have been arriving at the Ortiz home since the attack. Ami finds great comfort in knowing that so many people are praying for him and care enough to send a note of encouragement. We are told that Ami's mother Leah reads at least 20 postcards every night to Ami before he falls asleep.

We encourage you to send Ami a postcard. Tell a little about yourself, your family and your community, or include a short inspiring story. Feel free to send a picture of yourself or your family in an envelope . Please encourage others from your community, your congregation, children and youth groups, etc . . . to send Ami a note.

Mail postcards/envelopes to:

Ami Ortiz
P.O. Box 1903
Ariel 40700

-The doctors have told Ami's parents that a full recovery could take at least a year. Please remember to lift up his family in your prayers and pray for the finances they need to make it through this long recovery period.

-Ami is having difficulty moving his hands and may need more surgery to re-attach ligaments and muscles.

-There is still shrapnel embedded in his lungs.

-He is easily fatigued and needs prayer for increased stamina and physical endurance.

-The security forces are still working hard on this case. Please pray that the criminals are quickly caught and brought to justice before anyone else is injured.

Friday, May 23rd at 10 AM Israeli time (3 AM Eastern Time USA) believers from all over Israel will be gathering to pray and fast for Ami and his family. They will also lift up all those who are being subjected to the growing persecution across Israel.

The enemy is angry! What he meant for harm, the Lord is using for good, as He promised. The body of Messiah is uniting and standing firm through these days of adversity.

Lisa Rhoades

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