Thursday, June 5, 2008

Israel Bombing Tragedy

Dear Friends,

We had a very good day with in Israel working with the Lydia Project. We went shopping in at the market and the grocery store and bought food for about four very needy families. I met with an elderly couple, Gregory and Helen Robin and they told me their incredible story which we documented on film.

I have met with a congregation called Morning Star fellowship. They help many poor people in their congregation who are from Russia and the Ukraine.

We are leaving early in the morning tomorrow at about 5:30am to go to Tel
Aviv and visit the children's ward where all of the terror victims are. This is the same hospital that is treating Ami, the fifteen year old bombing victim.

Ami's Israel Bombing Tragedy has brought the ugliness of prejudice and persecution of the Messianic believers here in Israel to the front of the world news papers. Thousands have responded to Ami's condition but now I have see many more children that the world doesn't know about. These children and their families need our help.

This is such a pressing story and need I am planning on staying over the night in Beer Sheva.

I have lived in Israel now for many years and sad to say I had know idea how many people need the love and help form those who believe in the Messiah. I like others thought, "well someone is taking care of the needs.' I was so wrong, I know that Yahweh Himself birthed this project for this time.

We have a chance to demonstrate His Son's live to a people who have experienced so much persecution them selves in the name of Christianity. We cannot let the action of a few orthodox stop us from doing this work. We must do all we can to be His hands and His arms to these hurting people.

Those of you supporting the Lydia Project with your prayers and finances are surly be part of this historical time.

Friday morning we went to meet with someone at 10:30am to visit the
Sudanese people in Arahd. After that we traveled to Engetty which is very close and stay Friday night and Shabbot.

When we planned this trip, I just didn't know how timely it was. Yahweh has open so many doors for the Lydia Project. I am attaching an update about Ami from his mother.

"Update from Ami's mother Leah- May 31, 2008

Thank you all for praying for Ami - I have received so many encouraging emails. We're also thankful for every postcard, letter, calendar, drawing, and love gift that we've received. Our way is so much easier because of the love and concern expressed through every form of communication.

I wanted to update you on something -- Ami was scheduled to have the operation to repair nerves in his left arm this Monday, June 2nd. However, on Tuesday he all of a sudden became ill with a throat infection for which he's on antibiotics. Therefore, the operation is postponed for two weeks!! I believe this is of the Lord, as there is time for the Lord to intervene as we press in and pray for healing of the nerves in his arms and hands. He experiences much pain in his left hand especially, but he's being given a new medication for the neuropathy, which is beginning in small doses, and then will be increased.

Again, I believe that this delay is from the Lord, when the doctor told me, I felt a joy that I can't describe in my heart, and I "knew because I knew" this delay was from Him.

Thank you that you are there for us - and that you are faithful to pray. We love you all, and are grateful to the Lord for you every day. We pray for blessing on your families and great increase especially in the Spirit in these last days.

A video report has been done on Ami and the bombing which will air on Channel one in Israel at 8PM our time this Friday May 30th.. The police tried to stop this report from being aired and brought Channel one into court twice!! However they were defeated twice. They say that they don't want details of the case revealed for their investigation but 9 weeks have passed with no arrests and no suspects. This is something that needs much prayer, but please pray for the perpetrators of this attempted murder and hate crime to be apprehended and for justice to be done.

-Leah Ortiz

It seems we are on the verge of seeing scripture unfold before our very eyes. Thank you for all you are doing to make this possible.

Please tell everyone on your e-mail list about the new web site. We already have had people from 11 countries come to it.

Shalom A---

Judith Rood
National Chairperson

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