Thursday, October 9, 2008

Choosy Mothers Choose Jif

Like seventeen year old high school students everywhere, Svetlana comes home from school hungry and looking for a snack. But, today the cupboards are bare. Her mom calls a neighbor to see if she has any food that was sent home by her son's pre-school teacher. Yes, she has a two-quart plastic container of pasta and vegetables left over from the school lunch that the teacher sends home twice a week to help supplement the supplies of this single mother family. This mother has three young children nine years old and under. She welcomes the charitable offering from her son's teacher, and she shares it with three other families in her building who are in the same circumstances. Three of these families are single mother homes and one is an elderly couple. All of them live on government support which leaves them hungry at times. It is, as Isaiah put it, a bed too short. Together they survive. Growing children get hungry, and these single mothers hope and pray for provisions to fill their cupboards that are often bare.

One day, a knock at the door brings bags of food. Help has arrived. These families receive the food with joy and thanksgiving! It is a feast! It is an answer to prayer!

And where did these bags of food come from? They and many more like them came directly from you when I was able to deliver them to these needy believers. Because of your faithfulness to keep the commandment concerning the widow's portion and, even more so, because of your open heart to be a blessing to Israel, we are able to minister to the needy, and they receive it as if it comes directly from the hand of Yahshua Himself.

". . . I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread." WHY? Because Yahweh has mandated provision for the widows, the orphan and the poor. What is that provision? THAT PROVISION IS YOU. . . when you are faithful to His Heavenly commandment to take care of the widows, the orphans and the poor.

Join us in our efforts as the Lydia World Outreach Project brings food and help to the widows, the orphans, the poor and the victims of terror in the land of Israel. Join the widow's portion of your tithe with ours as we rise up to obey this commandment which is so close to the heart of our Creator.

Thank you for helping us bring answers to the prayers of those who are crying out to Heaven.

Shalom Alechem,
Judith Rood

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